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The Quickest Way to Lose Weight Without Dieting

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight Without Dieting
Everyone is looking for the quickest way to lose weight. We know that calorie counting, fat and carb counting, diet pills and powders may have quick results in the short term but are not sustainable in the long term. There is one technique that was the pivotal success of my own 30 kilogram weight loss--and it doesn't involve dieting. In the first week I used this amazing technique, I lost 2.5kg (5.5lb) and I continued to lose weight without dieting. This technique is safe, natural and uses your own inner knowing--something we need to trust again. For too long my focus was about dieting, food and weight obsession. Dieting takes us away from trusting our own bodies. We think deprivation is the magic answer--it's not. We can learn to trust our bodies again using this technique and it will mean an end to counting calories, diets, shakes, pills and whatever form of diet torture you use. The other bonus is that you will be able to eat food you really love. You won't have to follow diet plans and force down fake and boring diet food. An important part of this technique is satisfaction--eat what your body really wants and needs. So what is the technique. Here is the Three Step Technique: Tune into your body and ask yourself "Do I have real physical hunger?" You might say "Is that it?!" Well, yes it is that simple! Many times we eat for other reasons such as boredom, sadness, happiness and every emotion in between. Eating when we are physically hungry means we are listening to our bodies and will be more likely to eat what we really want and be satisfied instead of filling up because the diet says so or you want to cover emotions. Next ask yourself, "If I have real physical hunger, what food will honour my hunger?" Think about the type of food you want. Is it sweet or salty? Chewy or crunchy? Or something else? Make a list of foods that you really love, focussing on the quality of the food, including whether it is natural, organic, no additives. For example compare eating real, natural, organic yoghurt with real, organic strawberries to artificially flavoured, fruit syrup yoghurt. Which one would leave you feeling more satisfied? If it is not real physical hunger, ask yourself "What do I need right now instead of food?" If you are not sure what you need, think about the food you are craving, then ask yourself, "If that food was an emotion, what would it tell me?" This should give you a good idea of the "emotional hunger" you are dealing with. Look for the reasons behind the emotional hunger and be curious. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3501114
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